Quote for translation services

Your request for a quote is non-binding and will be answered within one working day.
If this form is insufficient, then you can mail your request to info@raccourci.nl

You can also make an appointment to discuss your translation assignment.

The fields with a * are required in order to send the quote.

    Company name:

    Title: *


    Surname: *

    E-mail: *



    Desired translation(s):

    + source language

    + target language

    Word count:

    Quality control:
    iglobal revision: When the translation is finished, it undergoes a global revision. This means it is given a general check, resulting in a competitive rate for you (translation Not in accordance with ISO 1700). full revision: You can also choose to have a full revision performed by an experienced revisor (translation according to the requirements of ISO 1700 and your text will be checked in detail). In both cases, your texts will be translated by highly educated and experienced translators (native speakers).

    global revisionfull revision



    Supplied per:

    Desired delivery date:

    File for translation:
    max 12.5 Mb per file
    How did you find us? *

    Search engineVia viaFound via website: ...Other, namely: ...

    Secure connection
    Your data is sent using a secure SSL-connection:
    Confidentiality All our translations are treated confidentially
    By sending this completed form I agree to the requirements relating to confidentiality.