
How to avoid life-altering legal translation errors


Translation errors can impact lives significantly, and this is particularly the case when they occur within the legal sector. For example, earlier this month, hundreds of Ukrainian refugees may have been prevented from entering Israel due to a fundamental translation error.

In this article, we explore examples of where legal translation errors have led to significant negative consequences, then share what measures must be put in place to ensure mistakes like these are avoided in the future.

Ukrainian refugees refused entry due to a translation error.

After managing to flee the horrendous events occurring in Ukraine, many Ukrainian refugees have been reported to have faced further distress at the border to Israel. Entry forms, which originally asked whether the individual had ever illegally stayed in Israel, were mistranslated when converted into Ukrainian. The translated version just questioned if they had ever previously stayed in Israel, omitting any mention of the illegal nature of the stay. Therefore, applicants who answered ‘yes’ mistakenly admitted to prior illegal visitation and were denied entry. With around ten million Ukrainians now reported to have left their homes, finding an alternative country that can accommodate these individuals could prove hugely challenging.


A plague of translation errors in South Korea’s free trade agreement causes huge public embarrassment.

Back in 2011, South Korea suffered a high-profile loss of face when presenting its second version of the free trade agreement that included 207 new translation errors. This incident followed the first review earlier in the year, where the document contained so many translation mistakes that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade had to issue a public apology. Withdrawing the revised translation had wide-reaching negative consequences, including a failure to meet treaty deadlines, lost jobs and changes in government policies.

How to ensure translation accuracy

With every word in legal translation having the potential to significantly (and often negatively) impact people’s lives and businesses, it is essential to ensure it is reliably accurate.

As demonstrated by the traffic stop case in Pennsylvania, machine translation is still not a method that can be trusted for its quality. Therefore, using a professional translation service, where human linguists with proven skill and qualifications complete the translations, is the best option.

When assessing translation providers, there are several elements that they should be demonstrating to show that they can deliver high-quality translations:

Fully qualified, native, sector-specialist translators

Translators should be native to the market into which they’re translating and specialists in the relevant subject. This specialism may be in the legal sector or a specific industry sector when files, such as company contracts or intellectual property documents, need to be translated. All translators should also hold translation qualifications to at least degree level and have proven translation experience. This expertise helps ensure the reliability of the translation.

Editing and proofreading

All translated files should be passed onto independent editors and proofreaders, who have an equivalent level of expertise, to review the translation against the source file. They will check for accuracy, consistency and adherence to the accompanying brief, referring any amendments back to the translator for approval.

Translation memory tools

Although machine translation is still an unreliable option, computer-assisted translation (CAT) tools are valuable for supporting a translator’s accuracy and consistency. One of these tools is translation memory software, which stores and organises previously translated words and phrases then provides ‘matches’ for the translator, enabling them to work with more consistency and efficiency.

Quality control process

A professional translation provider should be implementing ISO-approved quality control processes to ensure the reliability of its translation services. These processes include the stringent recruitment of translators and implementing editing and proofreading of all translated files, as well as experienced project managers carrying out rigorous internal quality assurance processes on a translation to verify its accuracy.

Using a high-quality, professional translation service is vital to ensure errors with potentially lifechanging consequences are not made. 

MACHINEVERTALING en post editing

Post-editing is de benaming die vertalers gebruiken als ze het hebben over de nabewerking en optimalisatie van machinevertalingen.


Een proces dat bestaat uit meerdere fases blijkt bij machinevertalingen het beste te zijn. Daarbij volgt na de geautomatiseerde vertaling door de software een revisiefase door de post-editor. Dit zijn vertalers die gespecialiseerd zijn in post-editing/ nabewerking. Zij lezen de machinevertalingen. Vervolgens corrigeren en optimaliseren ze deze.

Maar in welke mate moet een machinevertaling geoptimaliseerd worden? Hoeveel handmatig werk moet eraan te pas komen? De juiste mate hangt vooral af van het doel van de tekst.

In het geval van een puur informatieve tekst moeten de feiten correct worden overgebracht. Het is dan belangrijk dat bij de machinevertaling bepaalde verbanden niet worden verdraaid. Bij de nabewerking van dergelijke vertalingen is het daarom het beste om op dit niveau in te grijpen. Stijl en tekstverloop zijn onbelangrijk.

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Taal als Wapen

The power of language…
When Ukrainian defense forces encounter a suspected Russian saboteur passing himself off as a Ukrainian, they usually ask him to say the Ukrainian word for a type of local bread: palyanitsya. Almost invariably the suspect betrays his nationality and politics by pronouncing it with a different ending: palyanitsa. Similarly, in World War II, the Dutch resistance would ask German spies to say the name of the seaside town of Scheveningen. In Dutch, the first syllable is pronounced skheh; in German, it’s sheh. It’s an age-old practice: An account of the first pronunciation test to identify enemies, known as a shibboleth, is mentioned in the Bible. Read more:

Oekraïne extra in ons hart!

Ook bij Raccourci maken we ons zorgen over de situatie in Oekraïne. Onze harten gaan uit naar onze Oekraïense collega’s hier in Nederland en naar hun familie, kennissen, vrienden en alle andere mensen in Oekraïne. Ons eigen business management system wordt al jaren op een zeer deskundige manier door het bedrijf Protemos in Oekraïne gerund. Een paar dagen geleden ontvingen wij het volgende bericht van hen. Wij hebben besloten om dit met jullie te delen.

Russia en Oekraïne

Dear Friends,

This is not a normal newsletter we normally send, so please read it till the end.
As you know, Russia declared war on Ukraine, and our team is located in different cities of Ukraine.
Our team is working too to ensure the stable support to our customer. But sometimes they may be interrupted by the alarms and have to hide into shelters. They even work from the basement sometimes. In such difficult times, we Ukrainians need your support to go through this: First of all have faith in us and continue using our service and before. In this way, you economically support us and our families, and the country. You are fighting on our side by using our service.Do not support Russian economy in any way. Do not buy their goods and services. As that money will be paying the war. Spread the word about Russian aggression to everyone you know. And make it clear to anyone who doubt: it is not a politics anymore, it is war of Russia against free independent country Ukraine. Push your governments to press the heaviest sanctions on them, as every dollar done in business with them is now soaked in blood.You may support Ukrainian army with donation:

Hun persoonlijk verhaal…

I know I might be asking too much. But I think I am entitled to do so after spending 2 nights in the basement with my 2 small children before I moved to the safer place, and after the windows in the flat of my parent-in-law got blown away from the explosion of rocket that hit the next building, and they lost their friends there. And after yesterday my mother-in-law called to say goodbye to my wife and to say that she loves her in case if it is their last talk (happily she is ok now, it was “just” the stress). So I am asking your help in stopping this madness, every input is important, even if it seems minor to you. And it is your safety too, as Putin won’t stop here. ..¤

Ontdek de routenetwerken op de Veluwe

Het Routebureau Veluwe ontwikkelt en beheert de Veluwebrede routenetwerken voor fietsen, wandelen en paardrijden. Samen met mountainbiken zijn dit de activiteiten waarvoor het aanbod de komende jaren flink wordt uitgebreid. De Veluwe is immers een fantastische omgeving om lekker buiten actief te zijn! Stap op de fiets of trek je wandelschoenen aan en maak een mooie route door de Veluwe. De Veluwe zal je absoluut verrassen met karakteristieke en schilderachtige dorpjes en steden.

Grensoverschrijdende populariteit van de Veluwe

Het Routebureau Veluwe is er namens de 21 Veluwse gemeenten om als netwerkorganisatie de Veluwse recreatieve routestructuren te beheren en ontwikkelen. Naast het beheren van het Veluwse fietsnetwerk houdt het routebureau zich namelijk ook bezig met de ontwikkeling van een nieuw Veluws wandelnetwerk, ruiter- en mennetwerk en de ontwikkeling van mountainbikeroutes op de Veluwe en in de randgemeenten. En omdat van over de hele wereld steeds meer toeristen naar de Veluwe komen, werden wij benaderd om meer dan 100 routeboekjes en wandpanelen te vertalen in het Duits en in het Engels. Wij zijn dan ook bijzonder trots om deel te hebben genomen aan dit project de afgelopen maanden!


Raccourci is de vaste partner van een aantal gerenommeerde partners in de culture sector: musea, evenementenorganisaties, kunstcentra maar ook de media en entertainment industrie zoals Lyuno Media Group. Wij helpen graag culturele instellingen de belangstelling in hun aanbod grootschaliger onder de aandacht te brengen bij een internationaal publiek. Hun publieksbereik wordt vanzelfsprekend groter als zij bijvoorbeeld hun website in het Engels of Duits laten vertalen.

iGlobale revisie: Wanneer de vertaling gereed is, wordt deze in grote lijnen gecontroleerd wat een scherp tarief oplevert (vertaling Niet volgens de eisen van ISO 1700)

Volledige revisie: Desgewenst kunt u kiezen voor een volledige revisie door een ervaren revisor (vertaling volgens de eisen van ISO 1700 en uw tekst wordt tot in het detail gecontroleerd). In beide gevallen worden uw teksten door hoogopgeleide en ervaren vertalers (native speakers) vertaald.

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    The Netherlands
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